Wedding Wellness Trends and Tips
As you are probably aware if you are reading this article, when you are planning a wedding, it’s easier than one may think to get stressed.
No one wants to look and feel like a nervous wreck on their big day, so we have pulled together some trends and tips to get you there stress-free and glowing with health.
Meditation can be as easy as taking ten minutes alone to clear your thoughts
You were expecting this one, I’m sure.
Meditation is the practice of focusing on an object or activity in order to improve awareness and attention or in other word’s your mindfulness.
It is a wellness practice we have been seeing everywhere in the past few years; it certainly isn’t going to go away – for good reason. Studies have shown that regular meditation can reduce stress, anger, anxiety and depression.
Being able to manage your negative thoughts through meditation can help to reduce the affects of anything stressful in your life, like wedding planning, for instance! It doesn’t need to be a huge commitment; 15 minutes daily can have a significant and life changing impact.
There are also a plethora of apps available such as Calm or Headspace that guide you through the process.
Look after yourself, take time out for you
Don’t Forget About You
The wedding planning process is meant to be about you and your partner, make sure you look after yourself during the lead up to your wedding day.
What are your self-care routines and are you making time for them? Are you taking time out to read a book, put on a face mask, go for coffees with your friends, or date nights with your partner?
Often, we get so caught up in the day of the wedding, that we fast forward through the lead up. Instead, try to enjoy the process with a little mindfulness and love for yourself!
So, focus on the now, grab a cuppa, light a scented candle, sit in a cozy spot and look at your wedding planner with no distractions - wallow in those relaxed vibes.
Or obvs a spa day with the gals (or guys) wouldn’t go astray, One Fab Day provides an extensive list for the best spa weekends in Ireland!
Taking time away from your phone means you fully focus on the here and now
We all recognise that we can be too reliant on our mobile phones, tablets or laptops for entertainment, information, and, well, just because it is there beside us 24/7. Often these devices can make us feel overwhelmed - when this is the case it is time to unplug and switch off.
Make a conscious effort to reduce your screen time, whether that be replacing your phone with a traditional alarm clock, avoiding your phone an hour before bed and switching to aeroplane mode each evening, or resisting the temptation to check it every five minutes.
If you still need convincing check out this article ‘The Health Benefits of Unplugging’ on HuffPost.
At home exercise videos are a dime a dozen on YouTube - no excuses!
Release the Endorphins
These days there are no excuses for not spending some time a day, even ten minutes, exercising. While going to the gym works for many people’s routines, sometimes a lack of time or money, can mean it is challenging.
Luckily, at home you have numerous free exercise options at your fingertips; from YouTube workout videos to yoga and Pilates apps, there are possibilities from five minutes to two hours to keep you moving regularly.
Incidental exercise is another opportunity you should embrace in the lead up to the big day. Choose the stairs instead of the lift, get outside during your lunch break for a 15-minute stroll, walk to and from work if you can – if it is possible to walk or even cycle instead of driving, do it!
Keep a bottle of water on your desk, keep track of your H2O intake
Water, Water, Water
The appearance of your skin is directly linked to drinking enough water; if you don’t believe us read this Woman’s Health article.
To keep your skin looking dewy, make sure you are drinking water regularly each day, this might be anything from a lemon water in the morning, to your midmorning coffee, to herbal tea before bed. All liquids count toward your water intake which should be at least 2 litres per day.
Drink up!
Sleep is so important for our bodies and mental health
More Sleep
Finally, you didn’t think we were going to skip the biggy did you!? Sleep; getting your nightly zzzz’s is probably the most important wellness consideration ahead of the big day (or for everyday of your life!).
You may have heard of Matthew Walker’s 2017 book, Why We Sleep. In it he playfully writes;
Scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer. It enhances your memory, makes you more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. It protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes. You’ll even feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious. Are you interested?
Yes, you guessed it. He is talking about sleep. The Guardian wrote a fantastic review of Walker’s book – worth a read if you still need convincing.
Of course, meditation, exercise, unplugging, water intake and self love can all help to ensure you are getting your forty winks. That said, why don’t you grab a glass of water, take a little stroll and maybe plan your meditation session for later?
Stay healthy folks!